How Katchment Kleaners Cleans A Catchment Tank

You may want to clean your own tank, or to know how we clean a catchment tank here at Katchment Kleaners. Watch the video to the right to see how Keiki does it!

Everyone Should Have a Floating Suction or Inlet

Three big reasons why this is so: 1) having a floating suction extends your filter life, 2) having a floating suction increases the volume of water that can be drawn from the tank (if the tank gets low), and 3) having a floating suction minimizes the amount of bleach odor that comes through the faucets and showers in your home.

Have a Roof and a Catchment Tank? Do This For Sure When Pressure Washing!

Far too often, we get calls from our customers complaining that the pressure washers rinsed all of the garbage, salt, silt and oxidized paint from their roof and gutters into their catchment tanks. This is abundantly avoidable and inexcusable. These simple steps will keep this wastewater from entering your catchment tank.

Katchment Kleaners 1,000 Tanks Cleaned!

Katchment Kleaners thanks the people of Puna, Hilo, Ka'u, and Hamakua. Because of your support, we have just cleaned our 1,000th rainwater catchment tank. Here's to you and thousands more!